Blissful living is about unlocking your bliss and living the life of your dreams. It’s about being in a state of Ecstacy that allows you to enjoy the ebb and flow of life to the fullest. When the pillars of wellness, wisdom, and wealth are balanced, you can fully embrace and live a life of bliss. This show is about inspiring, motivating, and assisting you to experience that ultimate state of joy no matter where you may be on your journey in life. You’ll gain insight, techniques, tools, and wisdom that will aid you in genuinely unlocking your bliss, putting your best foot forward, and living the life of your DREAMS!
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Exceptional Women Being Brave, Bold & Unstoppable with Michelle S. Thomas
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Exceptional Women Being Brave, Bold & Unstoppable
What is the definition of an exceptional woman? How does a woman become an exceptional woman? How does being an exceptional woman transcend into being brave, bold, and unstoppable? Who does the term exceptional woman identify? What do exceptional women do that lets others know that they are exceptional? Is it possible to be an exceptional woman without being brave, bold, and unstoppable? When is it the right time to let the world know that you are an exceptionally brave, bold, and unstoppable woman? Where do exceptionally brave, bold, and unstoppable women hang out? What is the first thing an exceptional woman should do after listening to this conversation? Join Rochel Marie Lawson, The Queen of Feeling Fabulous, as she chats with Dr. Michelle S. Thomas about what it takes to become an exceptionally brave, bold, and unstoppable woman in today's society.
In this episode, you will learn
- The definition of an exceptional woman
- What it takes to be an exceptional woman
- Why the term "Exceptional Woman" is not for every woman
- Where to find other brave, bold, unstoppable, and exceptional women
- Why do women need to claim their truth about being exceptionally brave, bold, and unstoppable woman
- Why you should attend The Brave, Bold & Unstoppable Women's Summit™
And more!